Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Beauty of the beast

I've been really busy working on a research paper which is due this Friday but its thankfully drawing to a close. I found some time today to buy a new camera - something I'd been thinking about for a couple of months now. Its the Canon Powershot S2 IS, and its a real beauty. I really like the solid feel of the camera with the handgrip and heavier weight. Here are some of the first photos I took with it.

An idol of Lord Ganesha that sits on my desk:

Boston at night:
(Compare this photo to this older one to see the difference between my old Panasonic and the Powershot S2)

Zoomed (full 12x) into the domed building in the skyline:

And of course, no fun having a new camera if you don't bug other people with it, so here's my flatmate:

Macro mode test on the Powerbook keyboard:

Can't wait to really test this beauty out, but for now I'd better get back to work...